Monday, January 14, 2013


Looks like Mazatlan is the one that we can both agree on. The wife presented 4 options: San Diego, Oregon Coast, Key West and Sanibel Island. These were all good choices. Of the four I favored Key West.

In the end it was a marriage relationship at its best. I wanted what she wanted and she wanted what I wanted. We were both a bit hesitant about two of my choices; Scuba Club Cozumel, being an all-inclusive, would restrict us to one dining option among the many in Cozumel. Xcalak's five hour drive from Cancun was a bit much for us.

As far as travel in general, to quote B.B. King - the thrill is gone. Let me explain.

I can't speak for everyone else but it's downright annoying to travel anymore. I attribute half of this annoyance to the airlines and the other half to airports. I could list the factors involved with both entities but those are old news. 

One thing on which I'd like to comment is the premium seat phenomenon which has been introduced by the airlines. Lets face it, conditions in the Coach sections of airlines have deteriorated rapidly over the past five or so years. There is less and less legroom and most airlines now charge for checked-in luggage which prompts all of us to try and stuff as much luggage in the overhead bins as we can. Add to this the fact that the airlines now charge for on-board food. These steps have created a volatile mix for the passengers in the Coach section. If I'm not mistaken, these are the same conditions that caused the Attica prison riots. NOTE: I could be wrong about this.

Enter the airline executives who are there to capitalize on every new money-making opportunity that arises. I can hear the boardroom meeting now:
"What if we make things so miserable in the Cattle Car that passengers would be willing to shell out a few hundred dollars for a comfortable seat with adequate legroom?"
This explains the birth of the Premium seat. On top of that, on most airlines one must pay extra for an exit row seat.
Let me get this straight. In the event of a crash or other such unpleasantry, the airline wants me to turn the exit door handle, rip out the door, shuttle all of the screaming men, women and children out the exit, get them down the slide, all the time making sure that no one is grabbing their luggage or new Armani jacket from the overhead bin before exiting...
...and I have to pay for this privilege.
Have you noticed that airline advertising is nearly nonexistent? I remember some great airline ad campaigns:

United: "Fly the Friendly Skies"
Delta: "We Love to Fly and It Shows"
American: "Something Special in the Air"
Continental: "The Proud Bird With the Golden Tail"

All of these at one time were truly genuine. You could count on a friendly experience from United, a passionate one from Delta, a special one from American and a proud one from Continental.

I'd like to submit some ideas for airline ad campaigns for TODAY'S airlines:

United: "Many of Our Planes Are Clean"
Delta: "Southern Hospitality, and Hush Puppies for $4.99"
American: "Hoping to Still Be in Business By the Time You Fly"
Continental: "We Merged With United - Leave Us Alone"

One of the unfortunate things about our trip to Mazatlan is the fact that we'll have to fly U.S. Airways.

Wish us luck.

Readers, enjoy your day.

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