Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Of late I've been at a loss to write something as there's not much exciting going on in my life. That is, unless my two readers would enjoy reading about how I skillfully vacuumed out the car this morning.

No? I didn't think so.

An always interesting subject in my life is my dog, Scooter. Here's a picture of the little culprit:

As you may have guessed, he is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, which is the Corgi without the tail. But he, in fact, has a tail. (It's complicated). Some people refer to Pembrokes as The Queen's Dog as Queen Elizabeth has had a veritable gaggle of them over the years. At one time she had as many as 8 Corgis but is now down to her last two. She says that she won't replace them as she is 88 years old and tripping over one of them could be catastrophic. Plus the fact that she's tired of finding dog hair in her afternoon nachos.

We were in Wales a number of years ago and looked high and dry for any WELSH Corgis. It seemed like an easy task since it's easy to find Scottish Terriers in Scotland and Irish Wolfhounds in Ireland. Surely WALES must have some WELSH Corgis.

Nope. We couldn't find one of them.

No matter; we still have our little Scooter.

We named him Scooter because when we open the back door, he madly races out to chase and thereby rid the world of squirrels, cats, rabbits and other such undesirables. As with any dog, he has learned a certain amount of our vocabulary. He likely does not know much about what nouns, verbs, adverbs and sentences are, but he does know what certain words mean. Here are a few:

"Toy": things you squeeze and make a noise with, eventually chewing out the stuffing from the insides of them and having to go to the vet for a medically-induced vomit experience.

"Food": stuff that we put in a bowl twice a day. It tastes alright but the cupcake that he snatched off the table last week was a lot better.

"Outside": the place where he's supposed to do the things that he's not supposed to do in the house.

"Car": the thing that takes him to the beach or sometimes to the vet. Left turn = beach, right turn = vet. (Left turn, wag tail; right turn, whine and cower.)

"Come here": words he pretends not to understand.

"Sit down": words he pretends not to understand.

"Stay there": words he pretends not to understand.

And then there are the words he really enjoys hearing:

"Good boy".

And then there's the occasional "Bad Boy", to which he mentally replies:

"Who? ME?"

Readers, enjoy your day.

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