Monday, April 7, 2014


One cannot help but read the barrage of headlines in the media and on the Internet about the ideal time for workers to retire. All of them (which is to say I have never seen one that varied from this) deal with how much money one needs. I have seen ones that vary from $500,000 to $2,500,000.

How can something with this much variability have any degree of accuracy? The fact is that it does not and most of these articles are pure crap. Could it be a dastardly plot to keep the working schmucks of the world tethered to their jobs? Hmmmm.

I am writing this because the wife announced last week that she wanted to retire...soon...very soon. Thoughts of spending endless sunny days with my beloved wife danced through my head. Of long walks with our dog. Of enjoying many sunsets while sipping a fine wine.

The thought of money never crossed my mind.

The fact is that people should retire not when they have enough money but when they are sick of working. In fact, virtually every retired person that I know has told me the same story and, with limited variability, I hear the same phrase: "I retired because I was sick of the crap."

To that I say "bravo"; it is refreshing to see people take control of their lives.

So, to the dear wife I say: let's spend endless sunny days together and take long walks with the dog and, lastly, let's enjoy many sunsets while sipping a fine wine.

Let's make it cheap boxed wine; it's all we can afford.

Readers, enjoy your day.

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