Friday, January 23, 2015


Alright, listen up.

This column is for men only, so if you're a female reading this, STOP RIGHT NOW! What's written here is for guys only.

O.K. guys, are they gone? Good.

Gentlemen, let me bestow upon you the wisdom that my years have brought to me. Ultimately, I want you to have the best Valentine's day ever. Furthermore, I want your wife/woman/partner to have an unforgettable day as well.

Getting to that ultimate goal will require you to realign your thinking and not just a little bit...a lot. So, if you're opposed to changing your evil ways, now's a good time to hit the road.

What I have to tell you involves the use of three little words; ones which women love to hear and men don't say them to them often enough. We balk, we stonewall, we pretend laryngitis, we say that we're busy watching the game.

Anything to avoid saying those three little words.

Yes, it's not in a man's character. Yes, it's not tough. Yes, we men have been pre-programmed to avoid it. But we must learn to say those three little words.

So, here's the program: gentlemen, forget buying the greeting card, candy, flowers and jewelry. Sit down with your woman and hold her hand. Look deeply into her eyes. If you can make your eyes water a bit, now's a good time to do it.

Next, say those three little words that she longs for. You say "Honey...

...I was wrong".

Readers, enjoy your Valentine's day.

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