Saturday, June 14, 2014


The day has finally arrived. The day that the wife and I cleanse ourselves of the unwanted trash that we've collected over the past 30 years. Over those years we have seen these items many times around the house but have always said "let's keep them, we might use them." Well, we haven't. Now our house is full of garbage and it is being picked over by people who have been directed to our yard by the colorful neon signs promising fantastic deals. Many of the conversations among the buyers are saying "what is this thing", "I don't know but let's buy it; it's only a quarter and we might use it."

When asking how one manages to acquire so much crap, it is truly a function of success. The wife and I have been blessed over the years with good employment and good health. These have resulted in our being able to afford the Popiel's Pocket Fisherman, the Ginsu Knife Set, the Billybass and numerous Chia Pets.

Many of the people who have come to our garage sale today are of Hispanic heritage and, as new immigrants, are struggling to make ends meet. Thus, a garage sale represents an economical buying experience for them. Over the next thirty years, they, too, will acquire unwanted items and wonder why they bought them and what they should do with them. Eventually, they will have to have a garage sale and rid themselves of their excess stuff.

To them I say: welcome to the American dream.

Readers, enjoy your day.

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